Monday, September 23, 2013

The end of another summer...

Location map of Michigan, USA
Location map of Michigan, USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I guess my “exile” to Michigan has finally come to an end for another summer, and, perhaps, it’s high time I got back to work on some things—finishing my novel The Bet and catching up on my blog contributions. And, I must say, it’s really good to be back in the comfort of my writing room/office/study, although it is currently under siege from suitcases and boxes and containers yet to be unpacked and put away. My shelves and printer cabinet are cluttered way beyond normal, but it’s still good.

Additionally, to add to all the “clutter” is an issue we’re having with Internet access. The phone company service is supposed to come here in the morning to check on it and get it working correctly, removing it from my things to think and worry about.

Working at my old familiar desk on this blog post, the first in several weeks, I feel good again to be getting some words down. To say that my productivity these past few weeks up there in Michigan fell off drastically would be greatly understating things. I only have myself to blame for losing the steam I’d kind of built up and was rolling along on The Bet. Then, the end-of-season duties and procedures began to cloud my mind, and my ability to become inspired to even fire up the MacBook was basically non-existent.

English: Homer Hickam on set of October Sky
English: Homer Hickam (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I did more reading than writing during the final weeks in Michigan, and I don’t think that’s really such a bad thing. Homer Hickam’s newest YA effort titled Crescent was fun and so much different from the intense stuff about the Civil War and Lincoln that I seemed to become completely immersed within. Because of “reading more and writing less,” I kicked myself daily as the guilt piled on and on—but I simply didn’t feel inclined to boot up said MacBook—not even to check e-mail or cavort about on Facebook.

Thinking about this now, back home here in beautiful bucolic northern Illinois, I believe that there must be a reason for that malaise that hung like a thick cloud, preventing me from wanting to write! Or maybe it’s as simple as I really had nothing to say during that time or the desire to come up with anything worth sharing! I do know, though, that I’m in a better frame of mind now and think I’ll be much better for having taken some time away from the writing grind. 

Perhaps I’ve refreshed myself enough to get those two main characters of mine to a satisfactory conclusion and finally be able to add THE END to the thing. My intentions were to reach that end by start of fall, but I’m a ways away from that.

So tomorrow will be chock full of more unpacking, resettling, household chores (trip to the recycling, cut the grass, etc.) and hope that the DSL, Internet, and Wi-Fi gets corrected. And, perhaps, work will move forward on The Bet. Unlike these past several weeks, I can’t wait to start-up the MacBook and get those words going…MLA
Any comments or Thoughts?
English: White MacBook laptop
English: White MacBook laptop (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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