Thursday, January 27, 2011

A good day to write!

After a slow start this morning, I actually rewrote the major parts of chapter 3 of my story--tentatively titled Sandbar, the sequel to Black Wolf Lodge. For some reason, I can't "part" with the two main characters (Rick and Karen Brenson) so I'm hoping that the structure of a story I had started and begun to develop will be a good "fit" with what was established in the first book. My biggest concern right now is that I don't want it to be a repeat of the same kind of beginning, plot development, and conclusion. I'm looking to work in some surprises to alter this. Stay tuned!

It was a great morning and afternoon to write as the day started out gray and cold. By late morning, however, large flakes began to swirl about and we ended up with about two inches of the stuff, forcing me to go out and shovel off the sidewalk and the driveway. Actually, it was an excellent time out there getting some exercise and enjoying the fresh air. I much rather prefer getting my walks and other exercise in wearing shorts and t-shirts! Of course, I keep telling myself that those days are getting closer.

And so now it's on to chapter 4--to work what I have there back into the current storyline I have going. There have been some drastic changes to my original draft, so the critical things right now are to strive for consistency in continuity and to make sure all names, places, situations, etc., are in focus.

Don't forget...Black Wolf Lodge is available at
More tomorrow on the writing endeavor....See you down the road...MLA


  1. Did you epublish your furst book or go the traditional route?

  2. I haven't gotten into the realm of ebooks as yet--that will be very soon, I think--instead, I went the "traditional" way.
