Thursday, December 20, 2012

Staying in & storm warnings...

christmas card
christmas card (Photo credit: Stephen Rees)
It's a dark, rainy, dreary morning here in northern Illinois, and a winter storm warning hangs over us for later today and all through the coming night. This driving rain is supposed to change to snow later on, and perhaps we'll have our first measurable bit of snow since last March.

Unbelievable as that may be to fathom, it's a fact. Normally, we northern Illinoisans have had to deal with snow and ice in November. The past couple of years, something has been out of kilter in regards to the norm. Global warming? I don't really care to go there, but I do have my thoughts and opinions about that topic. Perhaps another time, another post.

Quite frankly, I am ready for a blast of winter, although the wife will be traveling home from work this evening during the period of time that things are supposed to get really treacherous. Before she left a short time ago, she had the keen foresight to pack an overnight bag, just in case she's forced to stay with friends who live close to her work. As I understand it, the weather is supposed to be much worse out here than where she works, some fifty miles away.

As the rain pelts against my window, nearly obscuring my normal vista out over the large barren fields to the east, and the water tower standing sentinel alongside the railroad tracks a few hundred yards from where I write this, I feel good to be inside and with no place I have to go today, other than a quick trip to the post office to mail a couple of letters.

Tomorrow is a different story, but today is one for hibernating here and getting some much-needed writing accomplished. It's time, I think, to pull the novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo last month out of its "holding tank" and get busy revising, editing, smoothing out, polishing, and all things necessary for the next stage toward publication.

I'm in the right frame of mind to do just that. The place is decorated, the annual family Christmas letter has been mailed, and  the shopping is complete. Now, a coffee refill is in order, and then I shall open that "holding tank" and let the manuscript breathe and take on some kind of life. It's all good...MLA
Winter Storm Warning (74)
Winter Storm Warning (74) (Photo credit: tommaync)

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