Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day: Excitement & Quiet...All good!

Winter Holiday Village
Winter Holiday Village (Photo credit: Mairead Fitzgerald)
Christmas morning. Up early and down the eleven miles to our son and his wife's place for breakfast and to watch the two grandsons open their gifts from Santa. It's always a hectic flurry of excitement as the wrapping is removed in record time and what's inside is quickly  shuffled aside to make way for the next one. When this routine is finished, everyone goes their separate ways to attend to whatever plans are at hand for the rest of the day.

As it turns out, the son and wife and the two grandsons will be going to one of her aunt's for a large family gathering and dinner and more hubbub for the rest of the day. The wife and I are home and enjoying the quiet and warmth of our home. No place to go and no place we want to go! I have writing to do, blog posts to update, and some much-neglected reading I want to fit in. The stereo plays some nice Christmas music while I work here, and our dinner of ham cooks slowly out in the kitchen (Its wonderful aroma is very tantalizing already!).

I'm not sure if it's another sign that I'm getting older, but I have been looking forward to this after-the-gift-opening time very much. True, I love my kids and grandsons, but I don't feel one bit guilty for savoring this peaceful time--just the wife and me--and time to do what we want to do today! I really don't mind being left to my own thoughts and tasks on this Christmas Day.

I think of family and friends who are spread out all across this country, and I wonder if they are having a nice day as well. I wish for them much peace and happiness in whatever way they are celebrating this day. I hope their day will be as nice as mine has been so far: Morning excitement and anticipation full of smiles and loud voices; Afternoon and evening quiet and restful. Merry Christmas...MLA
Quiet and Alone
Quiet and Alone (Photo credit: IzaD™)

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