Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Early March thoughts on the road to spring...

So long February...
There's something very satisfying about the shortest month of the year--February--making its exit. It gave us plenty of winter's "finest" and hung around just long enough to claim the title of snowiest February ever here in northern Illinois. And, psychologically, there's something about March that allows us to realize that we've weathered most of the rough stuff winter has to offer, with spring "officially" making her grand entrance in just a few weeks. Bring it on!

Challenging work...
Work continues on my next novel, which will be a sequel to Black Wolf Lodge. As I wrote about in an earlier post, there are far more challenges in writing a sequel than in writing the original story. I continue to find myself "slipping back" into situations that occurred in the first book and have to be very careful to avoid those traps. So as I get going on Chapter 11, I work with as careful an "eye" as I can muster so things don't read as just a carbon copy of the first story. Right now, my main goal is to get the chapters put together, where they will lead sensibly into the ones that follow, and then rework the entire "draft" manuscript during the summer in Michigan. At the present rate, I need to be doing at least two chapters a week--preferably more. However, with everyday duties cutting into my time, plus my own laziness at times, I tend to get behind. Will need to get that discipline rekindled...soon!

Back to the lake...
Early March has found us, and we're still standing and readying ourselves for the busy, good times ahead. Last Saturday night we met up with several friends from our summer cottage resort. We had a wonderful evening, enjoying some cold beverages, good food, and lots of laughter. Everyone--young and old--is excited about getting to the Friday before Memorial Day when we can all move in to our cottages. Between now and then, there are things to do, lists to make, and planning to work on. What the's that time of year again. Thank you, February, for making room for all of this. Traveling that road will be good...MLA

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