Thursday, November 7, 2013

NaNoWriMo…Off and Running!

For the past week, I have been firmly ensconced in this year's NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and in my last post I wrote about all of the trials and tribulations that the month of November offers, causing me to claw and scrape to reach my target of 50,000 words by month's end.
I am happy to report that as of now, I have nearly 21,000 words in the hopper, and I'm having fun firing up the MacBook very early each morning and wondering exactly in which direction my story is going to go.
ScrivenerI love the freedom that NaNoWriMo provides in not having to be concerned with editing and revising. Since I'm a stickler for correcting and editing and revising whenever I see a need in my writing, ignoring the inclination to do so is probably the toughest aspect of the month's writing challenge for me. But this year, I'm finding it much easier to do so.
I think, too, that this year's effort is enhanced by that wonderful program known as Scrivener. Not only does it allow me to write in large chunks, and then break them up into smaller chunks as needed, but it is ideal for keeping track of the Word Count for each writing session and the overall count for the entire project. I love writing in Composition Mode, without any other distractions, and having the Project Target indicator showing at the lower left-hand corner of the screen. As I crank out those words, the progress bar grows slowly and steadily, and the word totals click off, higher and higher. It was never this easy or relaxing using Word.
So, unless I hit that proverbial "wall" and simply fail to pound out the rest of the story by the deadline, I am pretty sure that I'm on course to exceed the 50,000 words by the end of the month, even though I will be cramped for regular writing time the last couple of weeks. That's why I'm making a concerted effort in these first weeks of November to harvest as many words as I can. And, of course, it helps when I have a pretty good idea where I want my story to end up--even though just how it will do so is every day's adventure!…MLA

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