Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Re-focusing and finding that discipline...

Have desk, will write
Have desk, will write (Photo credit: Bright Meadow)
I've been kicking myself lately because I have not been very disciplined in accomplishing my daily writing goals. Yeah, we've had some company here at the cottage, and there's been a distraction here, a distraction there that have offered me convenient "outs" for my writing routine. But what it has come down to is I have simply been un-disciplined during the open time when I could be writing.

Our current guests were here for a couple of days at the beginning of the week, and I made a mental note that as soon as they were gone, I'd get back to the necessary "grindstone" and get that novel--The Bet--revised, edited, and ready for publication by the end of August. In fact, I even went as far as to declare that nothing else would take priority over my writing today--nothing! No trips to the laundromat, grocery store, pontoon cruises, Facebook, e-mail, etc. I would dedicate myself to spending time only on my Scrivener project, my novel.

And I must say, writing this after a full day's worth of diligent writing, it was a wonderful--disciplined--day where I accomplished more than I anticipated. And though I probably won't be able to emulate today's output every day, I know that it can be done. All in all, I'm confident that my goal to have novel number two published by the end of August will probably be moved up a few weeks earlier. Now that's a wonderful feeling!

I love writing here at the cottage by the lake, especially when I'm the only one here. Much can be accomplished--when there's the motivation and the discipline. I haven't thought much about that this summer, but today's re-focusing on my writing was a good thing. And, of course, it didn't hurt to have what I call a perfect writing morning be hanging around for most of the early part of the day.

Perfect writing morningThe summer rain and thunderstorms have been lurking about for the past few days and nights, and this morning's dreary atmosphere was absolutely perfect to be shut up inside the cottage, be sitting at the old table, and typing away on the MacBook, writing and revising my novel. If it were possible to capture the whole atmosphere that was here most of the day, I would never have a problem being a disciplined writer.

What's your idea of a perfect writing day? I'm always glad to hear your thoughts...MLA
Macbook relaxation.
Macbook relaxation. (Photo credit: mlchetrit)

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